Our website is a classified platform where you can search for the best coaching name, studycourses and test series'price at single platform.
You can easily search your catagory by using the search bar and applying filters such as location, catagory and keyword offered, and facilities provided.
You can also upload your listing forms on this website for that first of all you have to log in by entering your registered email address and password this will bring you to the new page. here you can select concerned field and fill listing form as asked and submit it. Your form will be uploaded on the website as soon as possible. It will make you reach every corner of the world. So, sure to make the best use of it to reach your destiny with us
Yes, you can search by it your exam specfic category and specifying your preferences.
Yes, you can save your favorite listings by creating an account and using the bookmark feature.
To create an account you have to log in on StudyAdora platform where you found a registration form, you have to fill it and submit.
It's free to use.it's made for you guys, it will enhance accessibility across the world.
If you want to change the password then click on the log in button there at the bottom you found the option of forgot password where you have to enter your email or username then you get an email from study adora platform at there you can change or reset your password,
We will offer you all things which impact your student life in every aspect like best coaching,list studycourses,test series price at your budget.
You can approach us on WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram at any time....always be there in your service.
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