Patwar 21 exam pattern test series by-lakshya Classes
70.07% off 4 previous year paper All subjects coverLatest syllabus based and many more.For more information visit the website given below.
Forester and forest guard (वनपाल और वनरक्षक) recorded course by-lakshya Classes
75.01% off with 21 model paper and high quality video lectures and many more.For more information visit the website given
PTET (बी. एड प्रवेश परीक्षा) recorded course by-lakshya Classes
66.69% off with topic wise tests and many more.For more information visit the website given below.
Lab Assistant (प्रयोगशाला सहायक) 1st papers 11 exam pattern test series by-lakshya Classes
70.07% off with 11 exam pattern test series Paper reattempt facility Section wise marking and many more. For more information visit the website
Lab Assistant (प्रयोगशाला सहायक) 2nd paper 15 exam pattern test series by-lakshya Classes
Paper reattempt facility15 exam pattern test series and many more. For extra information visit the website given below.
Lab Assistant (प्रयोगशाला सहायक) 2024-25 online recorded course by-lakshya Classes
80.01% with 11 model papers and High quality video lectures and many more. For more information visit the website given below.
Reet Pre level 2 SST Geography online recorded course by-lakshya Classes
83.36% off with High quality video lectures and many more.For more information visit the website given below.
REET Pre level 2 Math online recorded course by-lakshya Classes
83.36% off with High quality video lectures. For more information visit the website given below.
REET Pre L1 Math Online recorded course by-lakshya Classes
83.36% off with High quality video lectures. For more information visit the website given below.
REET Pre subject English 1st & 2nd language recorded course by-lakshya Classes
83.36% with High quality video lectures and many more.For more information visit the website given below.
REET Pre subject – psychology Recorded course by-lakshya Classes
83.36% off with High quality video lectures. For more information visit the website given below.
Rajasthan Police Constable Recorded course by-lakshya Classes
83.35% off with 51 Rajasthan police model papers and many more.For more information visit the website given below.
Rajasthan High court LDC recorded course by-lakshya Classes
70.01% off with 21 high court LDC model papers and many more.For more information visit the website given below.
REET (पात्रता परीक्षा) level 2 SST recorded course by-lakshya Classes
80.01% off with 25 model papers and High quality video and audio facility and many more.For more information visit the
REET (पात्रता परीक्षा) level 1 Recorded course by-lakshya Classes
77.79% off with all quality control and many more.For more information visit the website given below.
REET (पात्रता परीक्षा) level 2 science maths recorded course by-lakshya Classes
80.01% off with 25 model papers and High quality video controller and many more. For more information visit the website
Rajasthan Police Constable 51 exam pattern test series by-lakshya Classes
Paper reattempt facility Video solutions available 51 exam pattern test series and many more.For more information visit the website given below.
Patwar recorded course by-lakshya Classes
87.51% off with model papers and High quality video and audio facility. For more information visit the website given below.
Rajasthan High court – Group D recorded course by-lakshya Classes
50.01% off with 21 group D model papers and many more.For more information visit the website given below.
3rd grade Mains G.K recorded course by-lakshya Classes
75.02% off High quality video and audio lecturesQuizzes and tests and many more.For more information visit the website given below.